Land Use in New Zealand
One of the misconceptions we face in New Zealand, and for a majority of countries worldwide, is the concept of the available capacity for...

First Home Buyers and Affordability in New Zealand
The path to housing affordability for all income levels in New Zealand is well documented. Even if the phrases are not particularly...

Housing: New Alliances, New Battlefields
Housing has been rising as a political and social concern in New Zealand. As public concern about housing issues has risen, the nature of...

Homes, Costs and Affordability: Then and Now
I was born in Auckland to baby-boomer parents. In 1972, they bought their first home in Peary Road, Mt Eden for $15,000 on an income of...

Housing Affordability: Economics 2
In the first article with a similar title the impact of house buyers on high incomes led to the increase in house prices because, among...

How do you kill a bad idea?
Here's an interesting thought. Imagine what would happen if the global warming scaremonger machine discovered that they'd made a...

Why didn’t Key allow more houses to be built?
Recently John Key’s administration has been accused of making Policy by panic because of it’s handling the housing crisis. A housing...

Housing Affordability: Economics 1
Housing Affordability, or the lack of it, dominates media and public discourse today. And as is normal in topics that reach awareness...

New Blog to Tackle New Zealand's Biggest issues on housing and infrastructure
Wednesday, 27 July 2016, 8:36a.m. PRESS RELEASE: Making New Zealand The politically unaligned Making New Zealand blog was launched today...